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Our team are on hand to help you with your roofing needs.
Bontoft Avenue Hull Branch
01482 343565Hedon Road Hull Branch
01482 697703Fryors Close York Branch
01904 463184Torch-on felt roofing has been a popular solution in the UK for many years. It is applied by being rolled out across the roof and heated with a blow torch melting the lower layer of the felt and essentially welding it to the roof. The system consists of separate layers of felt being applied and benefits include being relatively easy to install, being strong and durable and resistant to heat and UV rays when fitted correctly. In the grand scheme of roofing solutions torch-on felt sits somewhere in the middle ground cost-wise being not the cheapest but also not the most expensive. Care must be taken though during installation particularly due to the use of heat in the process and we’d advise that fitting it successfully is a job for someone with the proper experience!